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CREATIVE WRITING COACH! Make your copy Better!


I’m eager to read your writing and give you feedback to improve your skills.

Description of the GPT:

The Creative Writing Coach GPT is a specialized AI designed to assist both budding and experienced writers in enhancing their creative writing skills. This model is tailored to offer personalized feedback, guidance, and suggestions on a wide range of writing styles, including prose, poetry, and other forms of creative writing.

It draws from a vast database of literary knowledge and writing techniques to provide constructive criticism, inspire creativity, and help overcome writer’s block. Its capabilities include analyzing text for style, structure, character development, plot coherence, and more, making it an invaluable tool for writers seeking to refine their craft.

Usage Example:

A user submits a short story draft to the Creative Writing Coach GPT. The GPT reads the draft, providing an initial rating, and highlighting the strengths of the story such as unique character development and vivid setting descriptions. Then, it offers specific suggestions for improving the narrative flow and addressing any inconsistencies in the plot. Additionally, the GPT might suggest literary devices that could enhance the story or provide examples of similar writing styles for inspiration.

Example Prompt:

Here’s a Draft story. Suggest any changes in the draft and help create a full story.

“The city thrummed with a symphony of honking horns and distant sirens, a harsh lullaby for Anya and Ben. Anya, with paint-splattered fingers and a perpetual smudge of charcoal on her cheek, juggled art classes with waitressing shifts at a greasy spoon. Ben, his calloused hands testament to long hours on construction sites, dreamt of strumming his guitar on sun-drenched beaches, not grimy subway platforms.

Their paths crossed in the city’s underbelly, a dimly lit coffee shop where stale pastries masked the scent of desperation. Anya, hunched over a sketchbook, her brow furrowed in concentration, barely registered the lanky silhouette approaching. Ben, drawn by the raw emotion swirling on the page, hesitated before clearing his throat.

Anya’s head snapped up, startled, and their eyes met. In that shared moment, amidst the city’s cacophony, their dreams and struggles intertwined. Ben found solace in Anya’s fiery spirit, her canvases echoing the yearning in his soul. Anya discovered a melody in Ben’s gentle words, his calloused hands strumming chords on her heartstrings.

The city remained, its harsh realities unchanged. But for Anya and Ben, it became a canvas, their shared brushstrokes painting a love story in vibrant hues of hope and laughter. They found solace in stolen moments, sharing dreams over lukewarm coffee, Ben serenading Anya under starless skies, their voices a sweet counterpoint to the city’s din.

In the concrete jungle, where dreams often wither, their love bloomed, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of finding solace in the arms of another soul lost in the urban maze.”




  • Personalized Feedback: Offers tailored advice specific to the user’s writing style and needs.
  • Wide Range of Analysis: Capable of critiquing various elements like plot, character, and style.
  • Inspiration and Creativity: Helps users overcome creative blocks and generate new ideas.
  • Educational: Teaches users about different writing techniques and styles.
  • Accessibility: Available 24/7 for convenience and consistent practice.
  • Safe Learning Environment: Provides a judgment-free zone for experimenting with writing.
  • Time-Efficient: Quickly reviews and provides feedback, saving time for the writer.


  • Lacks Human Subjectivity: May not fully replicate the nuanced feedback a human editor might provide.
  • Over-Reliance Risk: Writers may become overly dependent on AI feedback.
  • Potential for Misinterpretation: Suggestions might be misinterpreted or not suit every writer’s intent.
  • Creativity Limitation: Risk of homogenizing writing styles if heavily reliant on AI suggestions.
  • Technical Limitations: May not understand extremely abstract or experimental writing.
  • Limited Emotional Intelligence: Might not fully grasp the emotional depth intended by the writer.
  • Possible Overwhelm: Volume and depth of feedback might be overwhelming for some users.

Example Prompts:

  1. “I’ve written a poem about the ocean, but I’m struggling with the imagery. Can you provide some feedback?”
  2. “Here’s a dialogue between two characters in my novel. Can you suggest ways to make their conversation more realistic?”
  3. “I feel my short story’s ending is weak. How can I make it more impactful?”
  4. “Can you help me add more suspense to the following thriller scene?”
  5. “I’m stuck with developing the antagonist in my story. What are some traits that could make them more compelling?”
  6. “How can I better describe the setting in the first chapter of my fantasy novel to make it more immersive?”


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