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CODE TUTOR: Made mistakes in code? GPT can Help!


Let’s code together! I’m Khanmigo Lite, by Khan Academy. I won’t write the code for you, but I’ll help you work things out. Can you tell me the challenge you’re working on?

Description of the GPT:

Code tutor have a focused expertise, unlike jack-of-all-trades GPTs, which a laser-focused on coding. Its knowledge base spans programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and best practices. Think of it as a personal programming encyclopedia.

Interactive learning lets you forget rote memorization. It sparks curiosity by asking questions, offering hints, and guiding you toward solving problems yourself. It helps to build your understanding and problem-solving skills, not just provide quick answers. Code tutor adapts responses to your individual needs and pace, constantly evaluating your progress and adjusting its guidance accordingly.

Usage Example:

Imagine you’re stuck on a looping bug in your Python script. Instead of offering the fix, Code tutor would ask:

  • “Have you tried printing values within the loop to identify where the repetition occurs?”
  • “Can you explain the logic behind your loop condition?”
  • “Do you think there might be another way to approach the problem altogether?”

Through this dialogue, you analyze the code, identify the error, and ultimately arrive at the solution on your own. The learning sticks because you actively participated in the process, not just passively received the answer.

Example prompt:

I’m stuck on a looping bug in my Python Script. Can you give me some hints on how to break down the problem into smaller steps?


Pros and Cons:


  • Deep Learning: My tailored guidance fosters genuine understanding and problem-solving skills, empowering you to tackle future challenges independently.
  • Motivation and Engagement: The interactive nature keeps you invested in the learning process, turning coding from a chore into a stimulating exploration.
  • Personalized Feedback: Unlike static tutorials, I adapt my responses to your specific needs and mistakes, offering targeted support where you need it most.


  • Active Effort Required: My Socratic approach demands active participation and independent thinking. If you’re looking for quick solutions without any mental effort, I might not be the best fit.
  • Limited Scope: While I excel at core coding concepts, I might not be able to address specific frameworks or complex industry-specific applications.
  • Technical Glitches: As with any AI technology, occasional bugs or misunderstandings may occur. Remember, I’m still under development, and your feedback helps me learn and grow.

Example Prompts:

  1. “I’m trying to build a web page with interactive elements, but I’m not sure which JavaScript library to use. Can you help me compare and contrast the options?”
  2. “I’m stuck on a recursion problem in C++. Can you give me some hints on how to break down the problem into smaller steps?”
  3. “I want to build a machine learning model to predict stock prices. What are the key algorithms and data considerations I should focus on?”


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